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靓女英语怎么读(How to Pronounce Beautiful Women in English)

How to Pronounce \"Beautiful Women\" in English

When it comes to learning and speaking English, pronunciation is key. If you want to sound like a native speaker, it's important to learn the correct pronunciation of words and phrases. In this article, we will focus on how to pronounce \"beautiful women,\" a common phrase that you may encounter in conversations or while watching movies or TV shows.

Pronunciation of \"Beautiful\"

The word \"beautiful\" is pronounced as \"byoo-tuh-fuhl\" in English. The stress is on the second syllable, \"tuh\". It's important to note that the \"eau\" in \"beautiful\" is pronounced as \"yoo\" and not \"oh\". This is a common mistake that non-native speakers make, but with a little bit of practice, you can perfect your pronunciation.

Pronunciation of \"Women\"

The word \"women\" is pronounced as \"wim-in\" in English. The stress is on the first syllable, \"wim\". It's important to note that \"women\" is not pronounced the same way as \"woman\". The latter is pronounced as \"woom-in\". When saying \"women,\" make sure to pronounce the \"o\" as \"i\".

Pronunciation of \"Beautiful Women\"

When saying \"beautiful women\" in English, it's important to pronounce both words correctly. Here's how you can put them together: \"byoo-tuh-fuhl wim-in.\" Remember to stress the second syllable of \"beautiful\" and the first syllable of \"women.\"

Practice saying \"beautiful women\" out loud until you feel comfortable with the pronunciation. Listen to native speakers or watch movies or TV shows to hear how the phrase is pronounced in context. With enough practice, you'll be able to master the pronunciation of \"beautiful women\" and many other English words and phrases.

Knowing how to pronounce words correctly is an important part of learning and mastering a new language. Keep practicing and don't be afraid to make mistakes. With time and effort, you'll be speaking English like a native speaker in no time!

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